
Mag. (FH) Siegfried Tatschl is co-founder of Permaculture Austria.

A specialist in the field of fruit variety including old and rare as well as new cultivars and a trained social worker, psychotherapist and clinical supervisor, he has combined the two vocations and relevant expertise to develop a concept known as Edible Town – Edible Community, which aims to transform public green areas into fruit orchards. He sees this as the Garden of the Future, intended to promote shared community experiences and, in addition, provide a strategy for the preservation of fruit and nut diversity.

“Evolution has determined us to remember places where we find food. The colour of fruit stirs up deeply rooted associations that directly appeal to our senses.”

Edible Towns promote a sense of belonging and responsibility for “my” street, “my” town, “my” playground.

His concept “Kirchberg am Wagram – the first Edible Community of Lower Austria” won him third prize at the European Ecological Garden Award 2015. His book “555 Obstsorten für den Permakulturgarten und –balkon”(555 Fruit Varieties for Permaculture Gardens and Balconies) is a comprehensive inventory of the most diverse of fruit varieties suited for cultivation in Europe and North America.

Talk: 10th October > ‘‘Edible Communities – Bringing fruit diversity into human settlements”

How to grow a variety of fruit in our gardens and communities.

There are so many delicious, but often unkown fruit that we could grow. But it is not just about growing fruit, but also about bringing people together while doing so.

Webpage Links

Sigi Tatschl


Book: 555 Obstsorten für den Permakulturgarten und –balkon (555 Fruit Varieties for Permaculture Gardens and Balconies)

Planning. Choosing. Harvesting. Enjoying.

Löwenzahn Publishing Company 3rd edition 2021

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