There have been 50+ speakers presenting their work at the EUPC 2021!
The recordings of our 10-day programme provide more then 30 hours of amazing content to watch (again).
We have had contributions from more than 20 countries.
There are videos about new and well-established projects, as well as freshly started ones.
There is material on projects in the city and in rural areas.
There are talks of experts sharing details about strategies they have developed and tried out.
How to watch the recordings
After signing up for the event you will receive an e-mail from Crowdcast in the name of the Permaculture Association Britain, who have taken on the administration of the EUPC 2021. In there you have a link ‘Visit Event’ or later in the reminder e-mails ‘Let me in’. If you click on one of them your browser will open up the event page in Crowdcast.
On the top left of the window in
Not at the right place?
if you have attended a previous event of the permaculture association Britain or saved the link of your profile it can happen that you end up at the overview page of Crowdcast. Easiest is then to click on ‘Return to Event’. An alternative route is through clicking on ‘HOSTED BY Permacultre Associaton‘ and then EUPC 2021.
Thank you for considering donating for the wrap-up of this and future
At any time you can use the ‘Donate’ button on this webpage or within the Crowdcast event at: – The button can be found at the bottom of the screen below the video window.