Talk: 15th October > ”Winter veggies – extend the season”
Wolfgang Palme, Austria is head of department Vegetable Gardening at Horticultural College and Research Institute in Vienna as well as founder and chairman of the non-profit association “City Farm Augarten”. In this organic garden of vegetable diversity in the center of Vienna urban people – children and grown-ups – learn about gardening and growing food sustainably. In his research work he focuses on seasonality, vegetable diversity and sustainable organic production alternatives.
Very important in his work is: Winter cropping: growing fresh vegetables in the cold season.
Winter seems to be the lost season in our food supplying system as well as in our gardens. Winter is definitely no growing season. But if you know about the frost hardiness of many fresh crops and choose the right growing methods it is an abundant time of harvesting. Many of our well-known vegetable crops or our special winter crops are more frost hardy we ever thought they could be …
“Ernte mich im Winter: Einfach immer frisches Gemüse. säen, wachsen, glücklich sein.” (Harvest me in winter)- Löwenzahn Verlag; (20. September 2019)
“Frisches Gemüse im Winter ernten: Die besten Sorten und einfachsten Methoden für Garten und Balkon. Poster mit praktischem Anbau- und Erntekalender. 77 verschiedene Gemüse” (Harvest fresh vegetables in winter)- Löwenzahn Edition; (5. Oktober 2016)