Talk: 15th October > ” Regenerate.Land.Together: Working with nature to restore soil fertility, biodiversity, water resources and climate. ”
How can we put into practice methods in farming and land management in order to rebuild soil fertility, increase biodiversity, improve the water cycle, enhance ecosystem services, increase resilience to climate change, end world hunger, and produce healthy food?
A multitude of »best practices« will be presented, based on a shift to new soil life and water paradigms.
Stefan Schwarzer is a physical geographer and permaculture designer. He worked for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Geneva for 21 years, addressing global environmental issues.
Linking global interests and goals with local actions, especially in the form of regnerative agriculture along the lines of permaculture, is one of his main concerns.
He is co-author of the (german) book “The Humusrevolution” and initiator/organizer of the (german speaking) symposium and webinar series “Regenerative Agriculture”.
He is living in the ecovillage Schloss Tempelhof since 2012, where he also co-creates regenerative agriculture methods in practice.
“Die Humusrevolution: Wie wir den Boden heilen, das Klima retten und die Ernährungswende schaffen. Mit Praxistipps zu Humusaufbau und Permakultur” – oekom verlag (20. Februar 2017)
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