Heure locale

  • Fuseau horaire : Europe/London
  • Date : Oct 16 2021
  • Heure : 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

European Permaculture Convergence


Oct 16 2021


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Open Space: The Common Good Balance Sheet to manage regenerative organizational change

With Philipp Schuster of Seeds for Sustainability

Saturday 16th October, 2pm UK Time / 3pm CET

The common good balance sheet is a tool to manage our socio economic impact. But more importantly it is a tool to manage and steer our organizations and projects towards the common good. Knowing that we need to create regenerative economies and societies, one might ask: How do I do it? The Common Good Balance Sheet is a great tool to make sustainable organizational transformations and engange into a continous improvement process (Kaizen) towards to common regenerative future.

Seeds for Sustainability is a company dedicated to sustainability and healthy living offering consulting services, event management, sustainability projects, and we run a school that offers training and courses based on cutting-edge
research and industry knowledge. We pursue a blended learning approach, as we believe that both, online and in-person training, are vital. The company was founded in November 2019.
Seeds for Sustainability’s vision is to close the knowledge gap on sustainability practices and provide individuals and organisations with tools, frameworks and method kits in order to realize change. The client thus focuses on training and consulting services. It’s main ambition is to raise awareness and empower individuals and organisations with tools to manage change.

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