Heure locale
- Fuseau horaire : Europe/London
- Date : Oct 09 2021
- Heure : 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Open Space: Transformation with medicinal forest gardening
With Anne Stobart of Medicinal Forest Garden Trust
Permaculture offers incredible opportunities for the inclusion of healing plants in projects. This session will draw on the experience of creating Holt Wood in Devon, UK, a transformative medicinal forest garden project based on a site with redundant conifer trees. Participants will hear about design issues in developing a medicinal forest garden. We will also discuss the potential for self-help and scaling up with advice on further resources.
Event to be held on Zoom at: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82282031463?pwd=TVh4RTlIbTArY1BqMThZUXBxRUpZUT09