With Klaudia Krynska of AgroPermaLab Foundation
During our session, we will take an interactive tour of a provocative and artistic web-doc, the Supermarket Museum: Food Solidarity 2030+ (http://supermarketmuseum.agropermalab.org). The project was created by two European collectives and over 30 collaborators – artists and permaculture educators from 5 countries: Poland, Spain, Ukraine, Germany and Czech Republic and was supported by Warsaw Biennale. Its aim was to build culture of solidarity and food sovereignty in the midst of the lockdown of Covid-19 Pandemic, which altered our ability to communicate, meet and learn from each other, and connect to nature. The Supermarket Museum is an online exhibition full of interesting resources and narratives about the future of our food, that can be used for education, community awareness building and connecting permaculture curriculum to global food situation. The project draws attention to the challenge of the coming food crisis, the fragility of the supermarket monopoly and today’s dominant model of industrial agriculture which undermine the unbreakable pact of trust between societies and ecosystems. We urgently need solutions that enable producing and enjoying healthier food, empower community food production and and healing the planet so it can heal us in turn. That’s why our project consists of two different yet corresponding paths – “Supermarket Museum” that tackles the problem of supermarket culture and second one – “Garden in your hands” which presents successful alternatives to it: agroecology, permaculture or food sovereignty. And it is this second part that we want to devote our speech à. During our online tour through the online map, we will present these new solutions in the field of food-growing and ecological education to inspire educators from around the world to introduce new methods in their work. “The Garden in your hands” path of the web-doc presents variety of ongoing projects that promise sustainable and renewable innovations. Its easy to navigate interface is constructed to raise awareness about these issues. Let’s walk those path together. The project was curated by Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation, Poland and funded by European Cultural Foundation.
Topic: EUPC Open Space: Klaudia Krynska
Time: Oct 16, 2021 03:00 PM London
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