Since 1992, the Permaculture Council for Europe (later the European Permaculture Network) has organised 14 European Permaculture Convergences across the continent, as shown on this map.
The full list of events is:
1992 Germany EUPC 1
1994 England EUPC 2
1996 Germany, Prinzhöfte EUPC 3
1998 Slovenia EUPC 4
2000 Czech Republic EUPC 5
2002 Slovakia EUPC 6
2004 Czech Republic EUPC 7
2006 Czech Republic, Brno EUPC 8
2008 Czech Republic , Hostetin EUPC 9
2010 Belgium, Nethen EUPC 10
2012 Germany, Escherode EUPC 11
2014 Bulgaria, Lake Batak EUPC 12
2016 Italy, Bolsena EUPC 13
2018 Ireland, Wicklow EUPC 14
Most events have involved gathering in a single location, with camping, dormitories or other accommodation included. The event in Bolsena in 2016 involved the whole town. Events have often featured tours and excursions, a Permaculture Design Certificate course (PDC), practical workshops, discussions as well as many permaculture design sessions. Meeting as a whole gathering is usually considered important as are times for eating and celebrating together!
This is the first time it has gone fully online and is an ideal opportunity for more great content and connections than ever before. The nature of our world has shifted in the last two years and international travel is less simple than it has been for many years, as well as less desirable for many (both due to COVID and Climate Change). It seems therefore appropriate to be exploring new ways of meeting as a pan-European community.
The Europe-wide team will be building on the Permaculture Association’s experience of their online convergence in 2020.
For some reports on previous European Convergences, please visit