Resiliente Gemeinschaften

Resiliente Gemeinschaften

In resilient communities we are celebrating how communities across Europe are finding new ways to meet our needs of food, energy, housing and social life. Inspiring examples and speakers will show us that we can meet our needs, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and support flourishing biodiversity by working together where we live. Speaker…

Everyone Gardens!

Everyone Gardens!

Gardens and gardeners everywhere; from urban balconies and lots, to suburban backyards, we explore how permaculture principles and whole systems thinking bring us abundant, resilient food gardens and forests, while regenerating ecosystems, small and large, that nurture us and our communities. With practical examples from the permaculture gardens of Europe, we connect and celebrate “Everything…

Let’s look after each other

Let’s look after each other

Looking after each other and ourselves is vital. Our inspiring speakers will take us on short journeys to experience the methods they are using, and will help us explore the challenges and opportunities for looking after each other, to meet our social, physical and inner needs, to prepare ourselves for potentially significant disruptions and build…